A I R   C O U R I E R   S V C S .
  • Call: +44 20 3095 3241


  • Logistics Avenue

    35 Wood Lane Bainsford United Kingdom

How It Works?

Air Courier Services Delivery as a member of IATA (International Air Transport Association), we have direct contracts with all airlines and has signed contractual rates, therefore is able to offer competitive rates with a reliable airfreight service worldwide.

With over 150 daily flights and using Frankfurt - Germany as a transit hub, G-Star is able to offer export/import services to/from all over Europe. This makes it possible to work with the time frames that our customers require.

Was Our Solution Best?

We can also offer a charter service from all types and sized aircraft, if the cargo is too large for loading & off loading, or if it must arrive at the destination at the earliest.

  • Fixed schedules on all main routes
  • Cost requirements
  • With our high tech information managing system, we can provide our customers with complete shipment information and updates.
The main element of our air freight management service is the ability to move single or complex shipments by air, at any time, to any destination.
Jonso Watson


We can manage the movement of a single shipment or a complicated freight project, with flexible and customer-friendly personalized service.